Food Security

Circular Hydroponics

EI have developed a circular hydroponics system that produces no waste, is environmentally sustainable and significantly increases food production over conventional horticultural operations. Our system uses GrowSil as the growth medium, which is organically certified, completely reusable and contains an optimal porosity for aeration, water holding and supply to plants. Given hydroponics is not reliant an rainfall or soil, it can be set-up anywhere to produce high quality fresh fruit and vegetables, and the entire system can be powered by solar panels and renewable energy forms.

Please contact us for more information.

Modular Hydroponics

EI have developed a modular version of our circular hydroponics system that can easily be transported, set-up and operated in remote communities, regional towns and minesites to supply fresh fruit and vegetables. The production of fresh fruit and vegetables onsite removes the need to transport fresh produce, thus reducing its cost whilst improving its quality and nutritional benefit.

Please contact us for more information.